Why you need the Sentinel NOW
There are many reasons that someone games to excess and misses out on important responsibilities. Don't let your child lose years of their lives to problematic video gaming. Fortunately, the Sentinel Gaming System can help like no other system can. It makes it easy to set daily limits on technology use, even for adults.
Note: Use caution in the removal of your child's technology. If your child is depressed, suicidal or suffers from a serious mental health condition, consult with a mental health professional before attempting such removal.
Problem: Your adult child is living with you, playing video games for hours but not working or going to school. They keep making promises but don't follow through.
You know they are struggling. Others told you to kick them out, but it doesn't feel right. You know that despite all the bravado and defiance, they are not really ready to live out on their own. You have begged them to see a counselor but they refuse or if they do see a counselor it seems like nothing is happening. Months or years have gone by.
Solution: Give them a choice:
A. Give up all their gaming and internet technology in exchange for use of the Sentinel with limits. Replace their smartphone for a flip phone.
B. They can move out
Problem: Your adult child is away at college, playing video games for hours and is doing poorly in school. You are supporting them, they keep making promises, but still getting unacceptable grades.
They played so much video games in high school that you were worried about sending them off to the university. Your worst nightmare came to pass.
Solution: Give them a choice:
A. Return home and attend community college for the first 2 years. Give up all their gaming and internet technology in exchange for use of the Sentinel with limits. Replace their smartphone for a flip phone.
B. They can support themselves from this point forward.
Problem: You have attempted to set limits on your teenager's game play but they have worked around the parental controls.
Letting it continue won't help. If your child has been missing school, not doing their homework, isolating from family and friends, becomes violent or seems depressed and anxious when they are unable to play, you need to act now.
Solution: Replace their system with a Sentinel Computers system. Remove all other gaming and media device such as console and portable gaming systems. If they game on their cell phone, replace it with an inexpensive flip phone.